On the 30th November Norwich gallery LOWER.GREEN will host ‘YARMONICS on tour’; an exhibition showcasing performances, installations and artworks created for and during YARMONICS.

The purpose of the event is to ‘tour’ the festival to a new audience and give existing audiences that may have missed the festival the opportunity participate in it.

Artworks and performance, including:

Photos by Katherine Mager

‘Cyathara Creche’ (interactive)

‘Yarmouth Tweets’ (digital) by Will Hurt

‘Yarcade’ (sound) by Stuart Bowditch

‘Into the Wind’ (film) by Tim Dee 20:00 - 20:35

& improvised solo performance from Dee Byrne 21:00 - 21:45

Oliver Payne

Sound artist, Stuart Bowditch created the piece 'Yarcade' for YARMONICS. A partly processed sound collage of field recordings, Yarcade presents the rich and varied sounds of Yarmouth in an engaging soundscape.

The piece was presented as a stereo installation in originalprojects;gallery space as well as being available here. The indvidual recordings Stuart made have also been included in the YARMONICS Sound Archive which will be released soon.


''Yarcade is a collage made only from raw and processed field recordings made inside Great Yarmouth amusement arcades during the hot summer of 2018. A wide variety of holiday makers and seasonal workers generously agreed for their leisure activities to be recorded by Stuart. He also recorded David Perry the ‘Puppet Man’ and extracted MIDI data from his performance to trigger some of the sounds in Max for Live patches.''

Oliver Payne
Roaming Receiver

Throughout the Saturday of YARMONICS sound artist, Phil Mill accompanied audiences around Yarmouth with his electromagnetic antenna.

This special electromagnetic receiver is designed to pick up VLF signal. As the listener walks a path, fragments of radio and unidentified transmission can be heard, almost like peering into another (noisy) dimension.

Phil recorded many of these occurrences whilst audience members were using the device, he has made an edit of some of the most interesting findings.

Please be aware that due to the signal strength, some of the audio appears very quiet, but still full of detail.


Oliver Payne